The Dai Li // An Avatar: the Last Airbender Topsite

Firmar Petición para el Soundtrack Oficial de Avatar: The Last Airbender

The Track TeamUna petición para solicitar a Nickelodeon que más música de The Track Team sea liberada.
En el MySpace de The Track Team hacen una invitación:

Sign the online petition for an Avatar, the Last Airbender Original Soundtrack here!

Traducido sería:

¡Firme la petición en línea para la banda sonora original de Avatar, el Último Maestro Aire aquí!

Abrimos el vínculo y sorpresa, está en inlgés.
Un texto que menciona la falta de libertad para usar los sonidos impuesta a The Track Team por Nickelodeon, se pide que se liberen todas las pistas de audio que son de muy buena calidad y merecen ser escuchados sin las voces.

To: Nickelodeon Studios

This petition is in response to the lack of any officially released soundtrack for the show 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'... Leer completo [+/-]

The show is an accomplishment in what can be created when intelligence is put to good use in creating an animated program. The orchestrated tracks that go along with each episode are of an equal quality, and they deserve to be listened to uncut and complete without voice work overlayed. I believe that official soundtracks are a wonderful way of enjoying a program when a TV is not available and I think many others would love the opportunity to purchase such a Cd or compilation of Cd's. Since the show is not yet complete I also believe it would be worthwhile to create a separate release featuring the tracks from each season of the show. These could possibly be released alongside the complete book collections minus Water, which has already been released. So if you enjoy this television series and the music that has helped make it so successful, I implore you to sign this petition. If enough people are willing to sign this I will be more than happy to send it to the Nick development studios and hopefully convince them to release this on behest of all the fans who want it. I thank you for your time.


The Undersigned

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